Quality vs Time vs Cost

How often have we, on the QA side of a project, been faced with a conflict between these 3 constraining elements of the product? As a QA professional, I’d say ‘Quality’ (excuse me if you are a product manager or sales manager reading this post). The fact is that if a...

The Software Testing Pesticide Paradox

Paradox is a state where a person cannot actually come to a conclusion; it is an irresolute state wherein the person will not be confident enough to decide the meaning. It is a statement which appears to be contradicting itself. Examples: Nobody goes to that...

Creating profiles in Mozilla Firefox

In any web application that has different user levels, it is mandatory to test Admin settings with other features which are integrated with Admin settings. For Example: Consider that the Admin user has a feature ‘Allow user to subscribe e-mail for documents’. In this...

Software Testing Life cycle

Many of us are familiar with the Software testing life cycle. The only thing that differs between companies/teams is the way in which it is implemented. The idea is to model QA practices in such a way that they closely adhere to the software testing life cycle....

Software Bugs

A bug in any context can be termed as an opportunity for improvement. It is often mis-communicated as a mistake or an error. What has to be understood in this regard is that the software has been designed & developed to meet certain purposes. There is never a need...